Air Pollution Control Systems

Air Pollution Control Systems

Air Pollution Control Equipment Manufacturers in India

Best Air Pollution Control System Manufacturer in India

GTS ENVIRO INDIA PVT LTD’s Air Pollution Control Systems for Achieving Zero Emission & Control the Air Pollution Constituents.

We GTS ENVIRO INDIA PVT LTD (Unit of GTS PROJECTS) are a leading expert in air pollution control systems, we design, manufacture, and install various Air Pollution Control Systems to achieve zero emission and effectively control air pollution constituents. We have been a proven and trusted wet and dryer scrubber provider in this field for over 23+ Years.

  • Wet Scrubber Systems

  • Pulse Jet Bag Filters
  • Centrifugal Fans
  • Retrofitted Emission Control Device For DG Set

  • Dust Suppression Systems

  • Industrial Chimney / Stack
  • Scrubber Effluent Treatment Plants

  • Suction Hoods /Ducting Works


We GTS Enviro manufacture and supply Wet Scrubber Systems for various industrial sectors like foundries, boiler flue gas filtration, DG set, metal finishing, powder coating, anodizing, Chemical & Petrochemical Industries, and automobile industries in capacity ranges from 2000 cu.m/hr to 4,00,000 cu.m/hr.
We supply for different types of industries like:

  1. Pharmaceutical Industries,
  2. Power Plants,
  3. Foundries,
  4. Chemical Industries,
  5. Textile,
  6. Waste Rubber& Plastic Pyrolysis Industries Food and beverages sectors.

Various Types of Wet Scrubbers that We Provide

Packed bed wet scrubber

GTS Enviro India Pvt Ltd offers Design, Fabrication/manufacture, supply, Erection, testing, and commissioning of Packed bed wet scrubber systems. The wet scrubber system consists of the following components including all necessary piping and instruments, a wet scrubber chamber or packing tower, Shells, heads, skirt/leg/lug/saddle supports, and anchor chairs. Support for internals and other parts, Induced draft blower with motor, belt, pulley and belt guard, Vibration isolator, jackscrews (Optional), Painting- anticorrosive, Manhole/handhole, Internal distributor/pipe, vortex breaker, baffle plate, Water distributor and packing. Airflow Capacity control equipment (VFD), Water recirculation pump, Spare parts, Special tools if customer required, Noise Control Foundation.

multi stage scrubbers supplier
boiler wet scrubber by GTS Enviro India Pvt Ltd
DG wet scrubber manufacturer
Amine scrubber system
amonia wet scrubber