Growth in Green Business sector is the Future of Manufacturing

Last Updated: November 29, 2023By

India, the fast-growing nation, is making huge steps toward the development of the manufacturing sector realizing its potential to contribute toward country’s economic growth and amount of employment it can generate. In India, manufacturing is emerging as one of the high growth sectors due to increasing number of educated population & skilled labor and lot of oppurtunities.
There is potential for the sector to account for 30 – 35 per cent of the country’s GDP and create up to 100 million domestic jobs by 2025. While growth of manufacturing sector is necessary for the economic development, it is also essential to look into the challenges that emerge with it. With growing number of industries, country’s environmental concerns are also increasing and need to be mitigated. The government is also supporting growth of the manufacturing industry by conducting various initiatives and efforts but at the same time pushing manufacturing sector to develop sustainable framework.
India’s manufacturing sector is in a continual state of transformation and development and in the era of sustainable development, manufacturers are embracing the new paradigm of growth in green business sector to create environmentally conscious industrial operations for the future. In all these years, industrial business sectors have adopted a quantity-oriented and fossil fuel-driven growth style which has largely contributed toward their economic endeavours but not rendering adequately the ecological considerations. Hence, being bound to grow a sustainable growth agenda.
Industries have observed that only economic development is no longer sufficient in this age of sustainable development as it has become essential for them to attain the business objectives while meeting the needs of environmental safety and conscious. Businesses are going through a phase of evolution which is considered as important as industrial revolution where the importance is more on ‘Green manufacturing businesses.
Industries are maintaining the following procedures to their business processes sustainable:
1. Conducting an energy audit-
Conducting an audit will leads the practices as energy efficient and reduce production cost and create good influence to the environment.
2. Making manufacturing processes as sustaininable.
Industries are finding new ways to incorporate sustainable manufacturing processes in their business operations to manage the un-favorable climate change. Now a days industries are conscious enough to manufacture products that are ecologically sound and use production method which causes a less negative impact on the environment while ensuring the optimum use of natural resources. All over he world, manufacturers from various sectors are innovating alternatives to burning fossil fuel to reduce the carbon emission.
World’s leading companies have started incorporating state of the art technologies like renewable fuel-based Co-generation plant and renewable sources like solar thermal systems to make their manufacturing plants fully energy sufficient and equipped with self-sustaining facilities.
3. Producing and selling eco-friendly products: –
As to take further step in the green manufacturing business sector, many companies are started to deliver products which boast of excellent green credentials. Previously, products consisted of non-biodegradable and toxic chemicals. For example, some chemical companies are developing in making eco friendly and biodegradable washing powders and detergents much good to the environment to replace the non- biodegradable toxic detergents causing damage to environment.

The future of manufacturing is all green. As these green business opportunities continue to push sustainability up the manufacturing agenda, there is a need for the industry to collectively become more outward-looking and forward-thinking, so that the manufacturing plant of the future is one that puts a low-carbon, resource-efficient economy first.

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